Monday, June 28, 2010

A Perfect Day, Aqaba #2

Once in a while, a day shines and sparkles with perfection. We experienced just such a day in Aqaba. Aside from aching muscles from the kneeling and bending of our first day on site, we had a magical Saturday when time seemed to move just a bit slower so that we could revel in each moment.

Sleeping late on comfy beds, a long, leisurely breakfast, time beside the clear blue pool, and an afternoon cruise aboard a glass bottom boat. We sailed south to coral, drifted above various formations and a sunken ship, then pulled on snorkeling gear for a swim. Stunning.

The dive was like a metaphor for our, Ken & Rebecca's, relationship. Almost 24 years ago we hired a taxi to drive us to the coral, used equipment we'd packed in, and had little idea where to look for coral and fish. The water was murky and cold in September. If you think about life as facing the past, because that is what you can see, we had very little history together in 1986 and didn't really understand much of what we "saw". But this time we were taken to the best spot, the water was clear and cool, and we saw wondrous coral formations and a huge variety of fish. (Sorry, no underwater camera. ) Today, almost 24 years later, we still don't know much; however, we "see" the history we've made together with a little clarity and much delight.

On the return cruise we feasted on a barbeque meal, including hummus, baba ganosh, and salad.

After a dip in the pool, showers, and a trip to the hotel spa for Graeme, we walked toward downtown and found Italian ice.

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