Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5...Climate conditioning

Veterans of the archaeological dig tell us that the climate in Amman is much like that of Riverside, CA., where we live. Riverside high today: 92º in the shade. Does blood thin after prolonged exposure to temperatures over 90º? Just wondering. Whatever the case, our family seems well conditioned.

While we may be ready for the dry heat of Jordan after living in the semi-desert of the Inland Empire of Southern California, we suspect we'll miss the comparative abundance of water. (We are careful with water and Ken and Graeme are installing a drip irrigation system in our garden.) As those of you who carefully read through the information on the Official Dig Site know, beyond boiling all drinking water, rationing takes on new meaning in Jordan. For showers, please use as little water as humanly possible: 1) turn water on to get wet, 2) turn water off and suds up, 3) turn water on to rinse, 4) turn water off. One can learn to take a shower with a gallon of water or less and feel rather smug about it! Maybe even clean, too.

Smug? After five weeks, we'll feel downright righteous!

I, Rebecca, consider water one of my favorite things. Ever. Watching Graeme's water polo practice this afternoon confirmed it. The boys glistened, like so many silver sharks, and chased, coddled, and flung the ball over the shimmering blue. I sat entranced, gazing at my favorite boy surrounded by my favorite blue: aqua. I love drinking water (at least eight glasses a day), showering, washing my hands and face, and swimming. I'm also fond of watercolor paintings. In fact, I need a glass of water right now!

Maybe we're not that conditioned.

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