Thursday, June 24, 2010


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After breakfast this morning we boarded two small buses and headed out to see three sites, or talls, that make up the Madaba Plains Project. First we stopped at Hesban, where Sigfriend Horn began excavating in the 1960's. A fence surrounds the tall and signs mark or explain important finds. Then on the the vast Tall Jalul. Not as much work has been done here. Audrey stood beside a field she worked on several seasons. Dig seasons for Jalul are on odd years while Umayri digs take place even numbered years. This explains how Audrey has logged in so many digs! She calls this a vacation every summer. Finally on to Umayri, our site for the next few weeks beginning tomorrow at 5:00 AM. Breakfast at 4:30, so all for now.

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