Yesterday I, Ken, was profoundly moved by the words of a student I've had the privilege to know, and who makes teaching at La Sierra so great--Nelly Montoya, Global Studies major and Honors student. She spent a year in India, and for her honors presentation she read passages from the journal she kept. I have met few people in my life who have experienced the world so profoundly, and have been able to talk about this from deep places in both the heart and head. Here are some of Nelly's words:
"Sometimes we get to a place in life when we think things are predictable, we know how we can feel. But I saw that life is unpredictable, taking you from heaven to hell in seconds...and allowing you to feel so deeply ... as if the hole in your chest is a bottomless abyss and there is no finding the end of it...
I went to India hoping to find the amazing stories of ordinary people. The ordinary amazing story I found was my own. I believe that everyone has a story that's ordinary amazing. I believe that, whether this is really idealistic or not, we can become a more peaceful society, a more caring society, if we stop referring to people as the other, as someone that we can't understand, we have nothing in common with, so it is my hope by baring everything out in the open for you guys that you'll be able to see something of yourself in my story and that you will realize that the power of your story is something that no one can take away from you...you own that, I'm owning mine...what will you do?"
Nelly's words inspired me to listen more carefully to your stories, and to continue telling you mine...
Just returned from our Honduras adventure and have had a few moments to catch up on your blog. Absolutely delightful and personal!! Love every detail--I think in this case that's possible. Will have much to share together--as usual--when we are together again. Happy digging and enjoy every drop.