Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Petra Part Two - High Place of Sacrifice

Once able to stop gazing at the Treasury, we began walking to the High Place of Sacrifice. While the steps carved into the rocks merit wonder, the rocks themselves inspired me as the light played up their colors, varied shapes, and sheer enormity. Along the way Bedouin families or individuals sat tending donkeys, making tea or selling souvenirs.

The steep ascent, warming temperature, and sand on step surfaces made the climb a challenge. However, once at the top, a cool-ish breeze and panoramic view rewarded our efforts. After Justin was sacrificed on the altar, we strolled atop the mount and studied the valley.

Just below the last climb to the top, a small tea cafe nestled into the rock awaiting sacrificers. Our group took advantage of shade and refreshment before descending by another route. Once again the designs and colors in the natural rock fascinated me. See the pictures for an almost step-by-step record of the trek down. When almost back to the valley floor, Ken and I took a small detour with the four young people for a photo shoot. I worked as producer of the shoot and took pictures with Hew's camera while Justin shot from inside the stone room. Album cover material? I think so!

We wandered a bit after that but managed to spot the Royal Tombs above the main road where Randy and Deanna met us. After a quick stop in the restroom built into the rock, we returned to the Treasury via the theatre and some parked camels. Back at the Treasury we took our historic pictures. The day grew warmer and we clung to the shadows along the Siq as we returned to the hotel. The last stretch in full sun nearly did us in. Thankfully, showers and air conditioning awaited us.

Saturday afternoon pictures around town, etc. follow in next post.

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